Anemia 36 weeks pregnant.

Breast, ovarian, and cervical cancer are the most common cancers diagnosed during pregnancy. The manifestations encountered in colorectal cancer, such as abdominal pain, constipation, vomiting, nausea, rectal bleeding and altered bowel movements, are also found in normal pregnancy.

In this paper, we present a case of colorectal cancer with hepatic metastasis diagnosed in a year-old preganant woman IIG, 1Pat 32 anemia 36 weeks pregnant of pregnancy.

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Keywords pregnancy, colorectal cancer, metastasis, teratogencity, chemotherapy Rezumat Incidenţa cancerului colorectal în timpul sarcinii este mică, de un caz la 1. Cancerul mamar, ovarian şi cel cervical sunt cele mai frecvente tipuri de cancer diagnosticate în timpul sarcinii.

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Manifestările întâlnite în cancerul colorectal, precum dureri abdominale, constipaţie, vărsături, greaţă, sângerări rectale şi papillomatosis vestibular papilloma intestinale, se întâlnesc şi în timpul sarcinii normale, făcând dificilă diagnosticarea pe parcursul  sarcinii.

În această lucrare vă prezentăm cazul unei paciente de 36 de ani IIG, 1Pîn săptămâna a a de sarcină, diagnosticată cu cancer colorectal, prezentând şi metastaze hepatice.

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Cuvinte cheie cancer colorectal metastaze teratogenitate chimioterapie Introduction The incidence of colorectal cancer during pregnancy is reduced, being estimated anemia 36 weeks pregnant approximately one in every preganancies Breast, ovarian and cervical cancer are the most common cancers diagnosed during pregnancy 2. The manifestations encountered in colorectal cancer, such as abdominal pain, constipation, vomiting, nausea, rectal bleeding and altered bowel movements, are also found in normal pregnancy 5.

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Most of the colorectal cancers are missed and are diagnosed in advanced stages. Using the antineoplastic agents in a pregnant patient is a difficult decision, with many of safety and efficacy implications 6.

The treatment plan depends on the desire of the pregnant woman, the stage of the disease, the possible teratogenic effects of the antineoplastic agents and abortion We present in this paper a case of colorectal cancer with hepatic metastasis diagnosed in a patient at 32 weeks of pregnancy.

Figure 1.

Early Versus Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping on Physiologic Anemia of the Term Newborn Infant

She also had constipation and anemia. She was initially evaluated by her gynecologist, who suggested a second opinion from a gastroenterologist, who performed an abdominal and pelvic IRM.

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The abdominal and pelvic IRM evaluation revealed global hepatomegaly mm cranio caudal right lobe, 97 mm antero-posterior left lobeand more lobular contour space replacement formation.

The CT scan of the thorax was without secondary pulmonary determinations.

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There was no family history of cancer. The physical examination at the time was unremarkable, except for normal signs of pregnancy.

Ryke Geerd Hamer: Cum pot traumele nerezolvate sa declanseze cancerul Unul dintre cele mai interesante studii asupra terapiei pshihosomatice a cancerului provine din Germania. In decursul ultimilor zece ani, doctorul chirurg Ryke Geerd Hamer a examinat 20 de pacienti cu toate tipurile de cancer. Hamer s-a cancer san nmg Unul dintre cele mai interesante studii asupra terapiei pshihosomatice a cancerului provine din Germania. Ryke Geerd Hamer: Cum pot traumele nerezolvate sa declanseze cancerul punctultau. De exemplu, el nu a gasit niciodata cancer al colului uterin si cancer al uterului la aceeasi femeie.

The patient was anemic at the time of presentation, the hemoglobin level was 9. After the imagistic and biological evaluation, she was refered to a surgeon, who thought that her pregnancy would make difficult to receive prompt adjuvant therapy.

The patient was only week pregnant at the time of diagnosis.

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A caesarean section was performed, resulting in the birth of a premature baby, weighing g, who received an Apgar score of 9. During the same operation, a left hemicolectomy and right oophorectomy were also performed.

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The histopatological raport revealed a moderate adenocarcinoma G2six nodes were examinated, but only two were positive. The histopatological examination of the ovary showed metastasis of moderate adenocarcinoma Krukenberg ovary. Before deciding on the initiation of chemotherapy, the patient experienced altered generalized status, medium ascites, pleurisy and gambling edema. She received a cycle of adjuvant chemotherapy consisting of cetuximab mg.

The patient tolerated the therapy with supportive treatment and minimal hematologic and non-hematologic toxicities.

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After one month, we changed the chemotheray cycle with cetuximab, oxaliplatin and 5-FU, due to the improvement of the general state. A follow-up CT scan after three months showed evolution in mild numerical regression of liver lesions.

The anemia 36 weeks pregnant was maintained. Fine fluid blade in dimensional regression.

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Without bone metastases. The adjuvant chemotherapy combined with targeted therapy using cetuximab has been considered for the patient in order to eradicate the metastatic disease. Discussion Despite the low incidence rate of 0.

E-mail: moc. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract AIM: Our study aims to make a comparison between the effects of milking of umbilical cord versus delayed cord clamping on Hemoglobin level at 6 weeks from delivery among term neonates and which method is more beneficial for them. Participants were randomised into 2 groups; Group 1: women were assigned to delay cord clamping; Group 2: women were assigned to milking of the umbilical cord 5 times before cutting.

Colorectal cancer is among the eight most common malignancies in pregnancy 2.
